Sunday, February 03, 2008

I made this senior recital poster for Katha's boyfriend Illya recently, and I liked how it came out a lot :)

Monday, January 28, 2008

So I didn't realize this, but a few people at parsons have me in their online (flikr?) photo albums. now i don't usually look at these, so I uncovered a lot of older photos...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm just a curbside prophet with my hand in my pocket, just waiting for my rocket to come.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Let's see, I came back to New York this Saturday. I miss home, but yay for Skype, till I come back for Spring break.
Ga ram picked me up from the airport and we were very happy but i think a little in shock at first. Three weeks doesnt seem like that long, but I think it was for us. We unpacked (he liked the dried fruit, mommy), and cleaned up the apartment a little. He invited me to his church sunday, and it was really nice.
Monday I started interning again. Looked at footage all day.. Garam picked me up and met my intern boss. (Tuesday) I'm here again today! Digitizing stuff.
Ooh, I start working today! My CD teacher is paying me to do some freelance video editing stuff. I was so excited yesterday when it was worked out.. :D Also my intern boss invited me and ga ram to a gallery opening tonight, so it should be a pretty busy day.
For the rest of the week I will be video editing, interning, spending time with ga ram, and working at school on thursday and friday (Parsons new student spring orientation)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

After not writing for a long time.. i'm back!

It's been a while since I was in the mood to think my life was something i'd want to remember.

Cheng and I broke up at the end of August, right after I'd finished my summer art course, and moved into my new apartment with tiffany and kitty.
After 11 months together, I was really heartbroken for a while, but eventually managed to do some good things for myself. I thought I was in love for the first time, regret a lot of the decisions I made... yea. I still miss him sometimes, but it's over.

Other than that, this semester, I brought my grades up, finished a pretty sweet internship at Cosmopolitan Magazine, and met my other half, Garam.

It's my last week at home for christmas break and I am enjoying myself a lot. i think I was really meant (in life) to sleep in all day, eat a lot, and hang out.

Friday, September 21, 2007

"Why must love cost anything? Why does need have to be mixed up with love? Why can't people be like butterflies, coming together in bright sunshine and parting while the day is still bright?"

"Because they are people, not butterflies. To pretend that people can come together, love and then part with no pain or consequences is more false a role than pretending to be someone you're not. Don't, please, convince yourself that you can be with him and walk away from it without diminishing both of you. A moment ago, you spoke of love without need. To sate your need without love is theft. When you agree to be in a relationship with someone, there is always a committment. Sometimes that commitment is only that you will both pretend that it is short-term and temporary. But sometimes that commitment is made only to yourself. The other party never knows it or agrees to it."

excerpts by: Robbin Hobb's "Liveship Traders"

Monday, July 16, 2007

went to harvard this past weekend! I hung out with liam, and my brother <3 we had the most delicious indian buffet lunch, and watched oliver play chess with the old pros in harvard square.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Happy 4th of July! and a belated bday wish for my brother :)
cheng was here this past week! it was good to see him again. also, I have found the greatest apartment on Wall St to live with tiff and kitty this coming year!
ohh, the first pic in this entry is of my reflection in the window of the Uno's restaurant where cheng and I had our first date.. it closed recently and I photographed it for my most recent 2D project... luckily, there's another one near the new apt <3
the second pic is from a visit cheng and i took to the new "ripley's believe it or not" museum in times square. it was so cool!!
i wish i was coming home to visit again before school started, but it seems the end of class and the start of moving into the new place, datewise, will bump up right against each other... not a big deal.. thanksgiving is not too far away :D
seeing oliver this saturdaayy :)

Fall Photo Dump

 I love Fall, most of all. The changing of the seasons feels more important this time of year than any other somehow. Next favorite or signi...