Saturday, May 09, 2009

I found this potential summer bike online, and really want to try and start biking everywhere soon!

Friday, May 08, 2009

the Dusty's! this summer- HBO

This morning, I had my friday morning brunch with Christy, which was very nice. It's so therapeutic to talk things over with friends.. Then I worked at school all afternoon til 6. Now:
I just got back from the Dusty's Film Festival at SVA! It was such a nice student festival- and I went with my friends Katie and Holden! It was so much fun, we saw Jarrett's film that I was in, "The Animalmen", and the one after that. Afterwards, we left and had dinner down the street at Dallas BBQ, where we had chicken and drinks. Holden's been up to so much, it's so exciting for her! And I had so much fun with Katie and her.
Now I'm back home, with the cat and waiting for GaRam to come over with ice cream and some juice, for date night.
Lately I keep writing about acting stuff! I'm gonna have to find something art and design wise to do, so my entries are a little more balanced, lol. I'm going to be interning at HBO this summer, in their motion graphics dept! That's something, right?

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Shot a commercial today. and did sculptures

I'm so tired! I woke up at 8:30 AM to go to the leasing mgmt office to sign for my new apartment! I'm moving to the second floor of my current apartment building, and am so excited.
Also I did a commercial shoot in the afternoon, where I got paid to get free food and get my makeup done, to advertise this eyelash moisturizer product.
Worked at school for a little bit afterwards, and finally finished these cute weird clay sculptures.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

'Thinly Veiled' coming soon!

It seems all the films I was in this past Fall are screening soon!
This one, filmed by Adolfo Doring, is already being talked about! (at the bottom of the article)
"Thinly Veiled". The other ones,"The Animalmen" (The SVA one screening this Friday), and "Scissors, Rock, Paper" are student films... and this one is more of an independent feature. It also stars this British model, Liberty Ross. It starts showing next Sunday... I'm so nervous!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

'Scissors, Rock, Paper' website

OMG I just looked at my friend and amazing director Holden Osborne's website,, and look whats on the home page!!! Wow!! "Scissors, Rock, Paper". !

SVA film screening soon, MOMA exhibit I liked

A student film I was in is screening this friday at the Dusty Film Festival at SVA!
("The Animalmen". around 18 minutes)

Also I saw this exhibit at the MOMA last week and really liked it...

Friday, May 01, 2009


I've been working with Ruowen Yan, who took some really beautiful photos this week.. Here are a few...

random frustrating things

I haven't written about random things in a while. I feel like I normally update this blog maybe once a month because something happens to me and I think "I should remember this". But why do people usually only write when something eventful happens?
Maybe it's more worth reading lol.
Anyway this is my blog and I'll do what I want. And when I read through this uneventful post, I will think it's worth reading,

So lately I've been feeling frustrated. There's so much that I want, constantly.
Right now, I want a laptop that won't die five minutes after being unplugged, no matter how charged it is.
A cat that doesn't whine and bite when annoyed. She's adorable most of the time, but spoiled.
A cellphone that has a full keypad. I see so many people with Iphones and blackberries and it makes me jealous.
To finish school already, we have two more frikkin weeks. I'm tired of it, and I've been putting in so much effort I wish it would just fast forward so I don't have to try anymore.
To Have a good summer ahead of me. I plan on interning, working at school, and acting a little. Going home for a bit, spending time with friends, enjoying Dallas and NY and Houston. I'd love to visit LA. OMG i'm so frustrated just thinking about it.
A new apt. My lease ends in a month and I don't know where I'm going to live. I don't want to settle.

I don't know what I want!!!
more acting work? design exp? higher gpa? more nice dates w/ the bf?
Actually this is a lot of stuff that I seem to want. Is it really asking too much??!pip eurc3q0

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring break, got an agent!

Spring Break was nice. I got half my wisdom teeth out, which wasn't so nice, but I got to spend some really amazing time with my family. Oh, and the night before I left to go back to the city, I ended up (the timing was so perfect) getting an agent! Linda McAlister Talent Mgmt site
I also met this weird guy in the airport. And found a book called "How to Speak Cat" in the library.
I got back to the city this past weekend, and now it's my first week back at school. Everything's going pretty well.

Love these hats.

Fall Photo Dump

 I love Fall, most of all. The changing of the seasons feels more important this time of year than any other somehow. Next favorite or signi...