Friday, January 01, 2010

He could light up the day with his wit and generosity; he could equally well plunge it into gloom; and part of the excitement of being with him lay in not knowing for long which way it would go. It was fascinating to watch such sudden changes and contradictions within one person...Bacon could not be pinned down. The closer you got to him, the more likely he was to turn nasty or simply disappear -- to go through a wall into a life where you could not follow.
Michael Peppiatt on Francis Bacon the painter
New Years Resolution: to make 2010 really amazing! and learn to cook, in addition to other things, cheese soup.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas! Chen Family photos..

You're always doing what you want to do. Always. and no one is making you do anything... life is just a series of choices.

(The Answer Man)


Friday, December 18, 2009

This was the last sketch drew this semester. I left right after class yesterday to fly out to TX.
I'm glad to be home. and I love my family. I miss booty, so here a lot of videos with her in it.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stumbled upon some reaallllyy old photos (2004) this morning:
So much changes in 5 years. but not that much.
old photos, and an old journal:

"Sleepers" excerpt by Walt Whitman

The homeward bound and the outward bound,
The beautiful lost swimmer, the ennuye, the onanist,
the female that loves unrequited, the money-maker,
The actor and actress, those through with their parts
and those waiting to commence,
The great already known and the great any time after

I swear they are averaged now–one is no better than
the other,
The night and sleep have liken’d them and restored

I swear they are all beautiful,
Every one that sleeps is beautiful, every thing in the
dim light is beautiful,
The wildest and bloodiest is over, and all is peace.

This week I filmed featured roles in "On the Minds of People" with Chocolate Lab Productions, and "Unhappy in It's Own Way" starring Kuei Ya-lei and Al Brown.

Fall Photo Dump

 I love Fall, most of all. The changing of the seasons feels more important this time of year than any other somehow. Next favorite or signi...