Monday, July 25, 2011

Good hair

Missing my old hair from this shoot last summer. How fast time flies.
Wondering what I would look like with none or a very short buzz cut.

Little Christine (short) from Michael Belcher on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

just me

Something happens to you when its 100 degrees in the heat wave that is New York Summer and that is refinding that swagger in my step. I can do bad all by myself.
There are good people in my life, everyone who should be in it is. The rest can try and replace me (but they can't).
So.. I'm also shutting down my facebook for a little while. I don't think I like being so available, and the people who need too have other ways of reaching me. My agent and second mom was harrassed by a guy on facebook who really scared everyone who loves her by showing up at her birthday party recently. And I see so many people take things personally because of facebook, and have difficulty letting go because of it.

Also Amy Winehouse died today, and I was surprised, but then realized I shouldnt be surprised. Sad. but not surprised.

Lee Strasberg says there's little difference between the arts theater film or television and that opera is it's highest form
That he doesnt like school in general unless for a specific purpose. And everything that matters should be able to be done on a stage.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jefferson Market Garden

It was so beautiful today and since I had the day off, I tanned, painted, and read the rest of my chekhov book at this garden near my house- it used to be (I hear) a womens prison, and now is open 12-6 every day but monday... so gorgeous, right near the library.


A blogger from came to the set last weekend and took some really cool photos as well..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thoughts from today

the things I find on my block now and then.

"Kim, if you had your choice, would you rather be a poisonous snake or a nonpoisonous snake?
Poisonous, sir." (from "The Place of Dead Roads" by William Burroughs)

My sister asked how my neighbor was doing, and I assumed she meant this one, so I said the right answer, I thought. Then I realized she might've been talking about a completely different person, also a neighbor.
And I wonder if a lot of really elementary views of people in my life are misconstrued based on assumptions one makes.

Also I'm finally tentatively taking things slow... and I'd really like for this particular person to like me.

i do believe in survival after death. i believe that it's the only thing worth fighting for
-william burroughs

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Well I'm real particular, you know. and patient enough. At least I hope I am. Cuz you know maybe you gotta wait a while, cuz maybe it's not so easy to find the right guy, the one guy you know.
I dont care what he does, as long as he loves me right. With his soul. Takes me for who I am.
Like Popeye says, I yam what I yam, right?" ("Night on Earth")

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Every day that you want to waste, you can...

Was filming another scene for "She Looks Delicious" yesterday, pics soon.
Also, "Little Christine" got into the NYC International Film Festival!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

july 4 fireworks

angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of the night. (Allen Ginsberg)

Fall Photo Dump

 I love Fall, most of all. The changing of the seasons feels more important this time of year than any other somehow. Next favorite or signi...