Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Been working at school, interning, and trying to do well in classes. So far everything's been manageable and pretty fun.
I filmed the role of a daughter on Sunday, for this independent short called "The Bridge". There are some pretty cool projects coming up that I'm excited about too.
I'm trying to finish the third book in the Twilight series.
This friday, Booty (the cat) and I are flying to Dallas for Spring Break, basically a long weekend. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out!

"my heart's your heart
my love's your love
and I'm not okay unless you're okay"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Got back to NY this week! Being home for the holidays was really nice. I hung out in Dallas and Houston for two weeks, and got to see how my brother's been doing since he left for Oxford. I've been missing my family since I got back, but have been keeping busy working at the internship and at school. I made this at school today!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

so my website:
should be up and running about now! I like it a lot :)

also, I just got back from a week shooting "the Animalmen" in Long Island. Everyone was so chill!! I had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

" Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard"
Baz Luhrmann's "Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen)"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I was reading through the New York Moleskin cityblog and I really liked this entry...

"I got on the train this morning and... I did something that can only be done shamelessly in a large city – I stared at people.

...I saw someone who I recognized…huge red beard, glasses and a newsboy cap. I quickly looked away, closed my eyes and began to search my brain to figure out who this person was and how I knew them. Then I placed him. We used to live in the same building two years ago. For over two years, I would regularly see him living his everyday life and we always said hello and exchanged small talk. The strange thing is, I know that he lives with his girlfriend, drives an old maroon Volvo and has a Shiba Inu dog that is blind, but at that moment, on the train I didn’t feel like I had to say hi. I adverted my eyes from his general area and didn’t feel bad about not saying hello. This is one of the things I love and hate about large city living. There is a redeeming quality about large city living in that you can be a complete prick and no one will ever really remember you, but I do miss that smaller town quality where everyone says hello and remembers your face."

Friday, November 14, 2008

This week, I went to a Knicks game, and was lucky enough to attend the MTV Woodie Awards as well, with my intern supervisors.
It's getting colder outside... and always raining lately.

I like re-listening to John mayer songs.. reminds me of high school...

"Here comes the cold
Break out the winter clothes
And find a love to call your own
You - enter you
Your cheeks a shade of pink
And the rest of you in powder blue

Who knows what will be
But I'll make you this guarantee

No way November will see our goodbye
When it comes to December it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time "

Fall Photo Dump

 I love Fall, most of all. The changing of the seasons feels more important this time of year than any other somehow. Next favorite or signi...