Friday, May 01, 2009

random frustrating things

I haven't written about random things in a while. I feel like I normally update this blog maybe once a month because something happens to me and I think "I should remember this". But why do people usually only write when something eventful happens?
Maybe it's more worth reading lol.
Anyway this is my blog and I'll do what I want. And when I read through this uneventful post, I will think it's worth reading,

So lately I've been feeling frustrated. There's so much that I want, constantly.
Right now, I want a laptop that won't die five minutes after being unplugged, no matter how charged it is.
A cat that doesn't whine and bite when annoyed. She's adorable most of the time, but spoiled.
A cellphone that has a full keypad. I see so many people with Iphones and blackberries and it makes me jealous.
To finish school already, we have two more frikkin weeks. I'm tired of it, and I've been putting in so much effort I wish it would just fast forward so I don't have to try anymore.
To Have a good summer ahead of me. I plan on interning, working at school, and acting a little. Going home for a bit, spending time with friends, enjoying Dallas and NY and Houston. I'd love to visit LA. OMG i'm so frustrated just thinking about it.
A new apt. My lease ends in a month and I don't know where I'm going to live. I don't want to settle.

I don't know what I want!!!
more acting work? design exp? higher gpa? more nice dates w/ the bf?
Actually this is a lot of stuff that I seem to want. Is it really asking too much??!pip eurc3q0

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring break, got an agent!

Spring Break was nice. I got half my wisdom teeth out, which wasn't so nice, but I got to spend some really amazing time with my family. Oh, and the night before I left to go back to the city, I ended up (the timing was so perfect) getting an agent! Linda McAlister Talent Mgmt site
I also met this weird guy in the airport. And found a book called "How to Speak Cat" in the library.
I got back to the city this past weekend, and now it's my first week back at school. Everything's going pretty well.

Love these hats.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Been working at school, interning, and trying to do well in classes. So far everything's been manageable and pretty fun.
I filmed the role of a daughter on Sunday, for this independent short called "The Bridge". There are some pretty cool projects coming up that I'm excited about too.
I'm trying to finish the third book in the Twilight series.
This friday, Booty (the cat) and I are flying to Dallas for Spring Break, basically a long weekend. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out!

"my heart's your heart
my love's your love
and I'm not okay unless you're okay"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Got back to NY this week! Being home for the holidays was really nice. I hung out in Dallas and Houston for two weeks, and got to see how my brother's been doing since he left for Oxford. I've been missing my family since I got back, but have been keeping busy working at the internship and at school. I made this at school today!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

so my website:
should be up and running about now! I like it a lot :)

also, I just got back from a week shooting "the Animalmen" in Long Island. Everyone was so chill!! I had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

" Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard"
Baz Luhrmann's "Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen)"

Fall Photo Dump

 I love Fall, most of all. The changing of the seasons feels more important this time of year than any other somehow. Next favorite or signi...