Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thinly Veiled Movie Poster

I was emailed this today! I guess it's coming out this fall. So exciting! (I'm the red box) (click the image to enlarge)
My bday party was friday night! A couple friends came over to the new apartment and then went to Flannery's pub. So fun! I had two drinks basically, and then passed out. :( But luckily I had good friends with me to keep me safe. You're only 21 once, right?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

my 21st bday!

I turned 21 today! Although I still look like I'm that number backwards (12), I suppose I am now finally legal and an adult! Don't feel it yet though...
Yesterday was the first sign of it, I went to work at school and got a surprise bday cake along with some other people with summer birthdays. It was delicious and so nice.
And then, today, at HBO, I got a beautiful 'birthday girl' martini glass, and another surprise cake!
Then GaRam took me out to an amazing indian restaurant after work, it was in the village, so delicious and delightful and well-spiced.
Friday night I am going to celebrate. Tonight though I am going to sleep at a reasonable hour since I have to wake up at 8 am for work tomorrow.
I'm so happy to've reached the big 2-1!

Friday, May 22, 2009

TX for a week!

I'm going to be home in Dallas and Houston for the next week. Can't wait to see my family and friends...
GaRam and I made this recently, before school ended. And now we're free of school for the next few months!!
(It says, 'Andrea <3 GaRam 4EVR'). I designed it, and then he sandblasted it onto the glass bottle.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I designed this shirt today for the School's Cheyenne River Reservation, Habitat for Humanity Trip coming up. Love it!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

I found this potential summer bike online, and really want to try and start biking everywhere soon!

Friday, May 08, 2009

the Dusty's! this summer- HBO

This morning, I had my friday morning brunch with Christy, which was very nice. It's so therapeutic to talk things over with friends.. Then I worked at school all afternoon til 6. Now:
I just got back from the Dusty's Film Festival at SVA! It was such a nice student festival- and I went with my friends Katie and Holden! It was so much fun, we saw Jarrett's film that I was in, "The Animalmen", and the one after that. Afterwards, we left and had dinner down the street at Dallas BBQ, where we had chicken and drinks. Holden's been up to so much, it's so exciting for her! And I had so much fun with Katie and her.
Now I'm back home, with the cat and waiting for GaRam to come over with ice cream and some juice, for date night.
Lately I keep writing about acting stuff! I'm gonna have to find something art and design wise to do, so my entries are a little more balanced, lol. I'm going to be interning at HBO this summer, in their motion graphics dept! That's something, right?

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Shot a commercial today. and did sculptures

I'm so tired! I woke up at 8:30 AM to go to the leasing mgmt office to sign for my new apartment! I'm moving to the second floor of my current apartment building, and am so excited.
Also I did a commercial shoot in the afternoon, where I got paid to get free food and get my makeup done, to advertise this eyelash moisturizer product.
Worked at school for a little bit afterwards, and finally finished these cute weird clay sculptures.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

'Thinly Veiled' coming soon!

It seems all the films I was in this past Fall are screening soon!
This one, filmed by Adolfo Doring, is already being talked about! (at the bottom of the article)
"Thinly Veiled". The other ones,"The Animalmen" (The SVA one screening this Friday), and "Scissors, Rock, Paper" are student films... and this one is more of an independent feature. It also stars this British model, Liberty Ross. It starts showing next Sunday... I'm so nervous!

Fall Photo Dump

 I love Fall, most of all. The changing of the seasons feels more important this time of year than any other somehow. Next favorite or signi...