I'm watching
The Last Unicorn
right now, for inspiration. Wondering if I'm the last one like me in the world! lol not really.
"I'd forgotten that men cannot see unicorns. If men no longer know what they're looking at, there might still be other unicorns out there."
I think about you all the time when I'm not working. So I work harder.
I once saw on someone's facebook, or xanga, or aim profile, a quote from supposedly Enders Game about whether or not people can play a role in life without becoming it. (Thinking about this while watching the movie Persona) I found the term for it today:
For the growing child, the development of a viable social persona is a vital part of adapting to, and preparing for adult life in, the external social world. 'A strong ego relates to the outside world through a flexible persona.
For Carl Jung 'the danger is that [people] become identical with their personas - the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice' Then there is this break- at some point- called Enantiodromia; the emergence of the repressed individuality from beneath the persona later in life.
Heraclitus says "cold things warm, warm things cool, wet things dry and parched things get wet."
Plato: "Everything arises in this way, opposites from their opposites.
So I suppose it makes sense that someday one will look in the mirror and have to re evaluate whether or not there's a mask between oneself and other people, it will either be shabbily continue (because you'll know its a sham and not your true self), or you will have to remake your mask into something more true to who you really are.