EDIT: Here's the quote (off his wiki) "It's hard to really, like, look at somebody and go, hey, maybe something nice will happen. ... Or you'll meet the perfect person, who you love infinitely, and you even argue well, and you grow together, and you have children, and then you get old together, and then she's going to die. That's the best-case scenario."
Conversely (to my brother), I get such a pleasure out of talking to others and seeing how it could change my perspective. It makes me sad now and then, but although it'll end, relationships are what make life worth it. Since we're always growing and changing, relationships have too as well.
me: oh i asked ---- yesterday
relating to your subway story
Oliver: ??? oh yea
1:53 PM me: i was like- do u ever choose what subway car to go in based on the prettiness of the girls on the platform with u
and he was like yea in a noncreepy way
hes definitely done that
and i said yea ive wanted a cute guy to duck into the same car too
Oliver: totally right?
1:54 PM it's like maybe i'll get to sit next to her
me: ya ya
Oliver: and then maybe we'll talk
and then i can hit it from the back
me: omg hahaha
Oliver: my mind skips when i'm out of work
but yea
me: had a dream last night that our whole family was at a wedding
and we knew a few ppl but not most
it was a huge thing
we were all dressed up
and we said hi to some of the ppl but were mostly in our own chen thing
people started holding hands into a big circle and dancing
1:57 PM and like mommy was holding the hand of the lady next to her and we were a part of the big circle
but in our own little circle
and not dancing really
just facing each other
it was really nice. i think what it means is we should try to all be together this year
1:59 PM i'll come to london first and spend a weekend with u and we could fly out together for xmas break if u want
2:00 PM Oliver: yea sure
wanna go to pakistan for a wedding?
2:06 PM can we talk after i watch tv
it's not that it's more important than you
just more entertaining
me: yes!
Oliver: for limited amounts of time
me: u asked before
Oliver: lol
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