Haven't been online or on my phone recently. Hence the less posting on here. My computer broke (water on the keyboard again) and my iphone and replacement droid razr both got lost within weeks of each incident. So my new (third phone of the month) comes in soon.
It's been nice having forced distance between myself and the world that isn't directly in front of me. I spend so much time in my head already, while trying to stay present interacting with people immediately, that also trying to anxiously update an online presence (not just on here but potentially on facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram, etc) just doesn't seem like a good thing lately.
So I've been really just walking a lot, working at 1st dibs, wanting to act more, bartending. I have some ideas of how I'd like this summer to go.
I turn 24 in a few weeks. june 10 at 8:00 at the same restaurant (french roast) across the street, that i always do it at. Hopefully the people I want will show.
Shirley said last year, that the people that should be there, will be there.
Also I've added to my windowsill garden. There's also a jalapeno pepper plant, and two tomato plants now.